How tall is optimus prime g1

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Three of these involved Optimus leading a full-scale assault on the Decepticon base hidden in Mount Lomas, and whether he followed Prowl's or Windcharger's plan of attack, Operation Black Coral was terminated. Dinobots Strike Back. Suspicious at the lack of recent Decepticon activity, Optimus Prime sent Bumblebee out on a scouting mission. When Bumblebee did not return for some time, Optimus began to worry, and sent out Prowl, Hound and Swoop to check up on the little Autobot.

In several versions of the events that unfolded next, Swoop would return to the Autobots' headquarters, and inform Optimus and his troops that the rest of his group was under Decepticon attack, and Optimus would subsequently lead his troops to rescue them.

In an alternate version of the following events, Bumblebee would return to base, reporting that the Decepticons were planning to destroy the humans' farmlands in an attempt to starve mankind and force them into submission. Upon hearing these news, Optimus gathered a squad of Autobots and headed out to stop the evil robots. However, once they found themselves in the open country, they found themselves at the mercy of a Decepticon ambush; Bumblebee had been fed false information!

In one iteration of the events that followed, Optimus could have avoided his death if only he had listened to your warning!

In another iteration, Optimus had to decide whether he should send his Autobots away to the safety of a nearby bridge while he fended off the encroaching Decepticon horde, or if he should remain by the side of his troops as they all made a break for the bridge.

Remaining as a single unit would spell their doom, but by sticking together, the Autobots could make it back to the safety of their base. Battle Drive. In the third nexus, Optimus oversaw Ironhide testing Sparkplug 's latest invention, the Sun-Pak , a miraculous device capable of fuelling a Transformer for an entire Earth day after being charged for only an hour in sunlight.

As the trial-run wound down to an end, the Decepticons suddenly burst into the Autobots' secret underground testing facility, forcing Optimus to decide whether to order a tactical retreat, or have his Autobots fight the intruders despite his troops' low energy reserves.

If he chose to stand and fight, he had the additional choice to either make the Autobots concentrate on Starscream, who is leading the charge against the Autobots, or divide his troops' attention onto all of the Decepticon assailants.

If Optimus chose to attempt to eliminate Starscream once and for all, the Decepticon Seeker would beg for mercy, forcing Optimus into a choice yet again: accept the snivelling Decepticon's surrender, or continue his attempt to end Starscream's evil once and for all. Accepting Starscream's surrender spells victory for the Autobots, whereas ignoring Starscream pleas ultimately leads to Sparkplug being kidnapped by the Decepticons, necessitating Optimus to send Buster, Blaster and Bumblebee on a perilous retrieval mission while the other Autobots recharge at the Autobots' home base.

Alternatively, if Optimus chose to retreat either when initially confronted with the overwhelming Decepticon threat, or after realizing that his troops are too weak to fight after ordering them to concentrate their firepower equally amongst the intruding Decepticons, the ensuing underground adventure can have multiple outcomes; the Autobots become the captive of the Insecticons, forcing Optimus to either entrust Beachcomber with the fate of his troops, or to bargain with the Insecticons for the safe release of his Autobots; or dealing with the theft of the Sun-Pak by either duelling Megatron for the device's ownership, stealing the Sun-Pak back from the Decepticons or charging Mirage and Buster with the device's retrieval.

If Optimus duels Megatron for the device, he either wins through brute force or by being more "cunning" than Megatron and destroying the device before the Decepticons can claim it as their victory prize. The Autobots nonetheless retrieve it when Smokescreen blots out the sun with his emission fumes, forcing Megatron to pass the Sun-Pak towards Buzzsaw in order to bypass the Autobots' smog cover, only for Optimus to intercept Megatron's pass and drive away with the Sun-Pak in Autobot possession.

Finally, if Optimus has entrusted the Sun-Pak's retrieval to Mirage and Buster, the Autobot leader makes the duo swear not to engage the enemy for fear of their safety. If his Autobots keep their promise to him, Optimus is called in alongside the rest of the Autobots when the Insecticons are discovered, and Optimus leads a successful ambush towards the Insecticons, at the cost of the Sun-Pak itself.

Attack of the Insecticons. Optimus was enjoying the lull in Decepticon activity along with the rest of his Autobots, when he recommended that Beachcomber take a vacation.

Beachcomber gladly accepted. In one possible scenario, Optimus was surprised to see Beachcomber return to Autobot headquarters soon after his departure.

Beachcomber informed Optimus that he had uncovered the Decepticon's newest hidden fortress, and he suspected that the Decepticons were up to something big. Optimus sent out Beachcomber once more, this time along with Powerglide and Windcharger to investigate the Decepticons' plot further. Optimus then stood at the ready to send over reinforcements when called upon by Beachcomber's squad. In one possible sequence of events, Powerglide was captured and reprogrammed by the Decepticons, leading their army to Autobot headquarters.

Taken by surprised, the Autobots were felled one by one until only Optimus remained. As Megatron gloated that he would not kill Optimus, only alter him so as to make him the bane of humanity, Optimus activated the Ark's self-destruct sequence, taking all of the Decepticons with him in a fiery explosion. In another possible sequence of events, the trio returned to Autobot headquarters to relate their findings to Optimus Prime.

The Decepticons planned to use a Destruction Beam to create a fault line near Center City, which would in turn be exploited by Rumble's earthquake-inducing abilities to destroy the entire area. Optimus headed the lead team. The Autobots then stormed the fortress, and Optimus maimed Megatron himself with a shot of his rifle.

There, the Autobots disabled and destroyed the Destruction Beam device, captured Megatron, and left many Decepticons permanently maimed. Though they later traded Megatron back to the Decepticons for the safe relief of the Autobots captured in Center City, the Autobots were ultimately victorious that day. If Optimus decided to send the lead team to defend Center City, he carries Cosmos in his trailer, so as not to cause a panic amongst the humans.

Miserable in his current position, Cosmos asked Optimus to let him join the secondary team's attack on the fortress, where he felt he would be more helpful. If Sparkplug suggested that the Autobots not worry about subtlety, the entire squad transformed and began prowling the streets in search of Decepticons. Oblivious to the panic they were causing, Optimus assumed that the Decepticons were spotted nearby when a police officer declared that the city was under siege by giant robots.

If Sparkplug suggested that the Autobots remained in their vehicle modes, he would concoct a plan where the Autobots would help evacuate the entire town in their vehicle modes. With no more than four trips in and out of the city, Optimus and the rest of the team carried out the plan without incident.

The Autobots then transformed and engaged the approaching Decepticons, whom they easily dispatched. With the city safe, the Autobots moved out to help their comrades at the Decepticon fortress.

In an alternate scenario, wherein Beachcomber, Windcharger and Powerglide were captured by the Decepticons while snooping around the secret fortress, Optimus was tricked into leading his troops to their doom by a false S. In yet another possible scenario, Beachcomber returned from his day off early to inform Optimus that Jessie had been taken prisoner by the Decepticons.

Optimus deployed a team of Autobots to go to the girl's rescue. Shortly before arriving at their destination, the Autobots had to choose their next course of action; they could either storm the Decepticon fortress by force, or try to sneak in through a secret passage Buster had previously discovered. If they decided to storm the fortress, Beachcomber would become nervous, and urge his fellow Autobots to find a more peaceful way to resolve the situation.

Optimus sternly told him that this was not the time for one of his anti-war speeches. This moment of hesitation ultimately cost the Autobots the battle, and the Decepticons triumphed that day.

If they decided a stealthier approach, the Autobots quietly entered the Decepticon base, and set out to shoot down any Decepticons they encountered, save Megatron, whom they planned to capture.

After encountering some resistance from their foes, the Autobots came upon branch in the passageway, and had to choose to go left or right. If they took the right passageway, the group soon happened upon Jessie, whom they freed. The Autobots were captured and Megatron's plan to destroy Center City came to fruition. If they took the left passageway, the group happened upon Megatron's lab. Though Megatron attempted to trick Optimus into activating the Fortress's self-destruct sequence, Optimus was too clever to be duped.

After deactivating both the Destruction beam and the Decepticons themselves, the Autobots found Jessie tied up in a cell.

The Autobots then celebrated their victory by guzzling a few quarts of fine-grade oil. In a final possible path, wherein the Decepticons attempted to turn Beachcomber into a Decepticon double agent but fumbled the process, Optimus made Beachcomber into an Autobot double agent.

With his help, the Autobots hoped to soon win their war with the Decepticons. When the Autobot-Decepticon civil war had yet to expand beyond Cybertron, Optimus had encountered a Decepticon weapon that weakened the gravitational pull within a confined area. The weapon being unreliable, Optimus had always assumed the Decepticons would not bother attempting to use it again.

Now on Earth, Optimus was leading a group of his best scouts on a fuel-finding mission when they heard a tremendous explosion go off nearby. Optimus recognized the sound of the explosion as being Dirge's concussion missiles. Though Powerglide offered to go investigate the explosion, Optimus opted to send out Cosmos instead.

If Cosmos radioed his findings to Optimus immediately, Optimus's convoy moved in to investigate a nearby Decepticon base. En route, the Autobots passed near a human town, but began floating in mid-air before being able to reach it. Optimus quickly deduced that this phenomenon was caused by an anti-gravity beam, courtesy of the Decepticons.

Worried about the nearby humans also being affected by the lapse in gravity, Optimus had to decide whether he would order his troops to stop and help the townspeople, or to continue forward and attack the Decepticon base.

Then, the Autobots heard Decepticons approaching. Helpless in their current position, the Autobots were quickly eradicated by the Decepticons. If Optimus ordered his troops to attack the Decepticon base, they soon reached an area free of the anti-gravity beam's influence. They were then attacked by a small fleet of Decepticons. Optimus targeted their squad leader, Dirge, knowing that by downing him, the Decepticons would be significantly demoralized.

Dirge was forced to break-off his attack when his back-up was taken out, knowing he wouldn't be able to take Optimus on without it. Losing their advantage quickly, the Decepticons retreated. But with the battle over, the Autobots noticed a small human boy at their feet. The boy was Buddy , a stowaway from the nearby town, and though Optimus was displeased with the tag-along, the Autobots could not spare the time to bring him home.

Arriving at the Decepticon base, Megatron delivered an ultimatum; if the Autobots did not surrender Optimus Prime to the Decepticons immediately, he would use his gravity beam to have the nearby humans float off into space. If the Autobots decided to continue with their initial plan to simply attack the Decepticon base, their advance was halted by a force field. Megatron then fired his beam in all directions, causing a ripple effect that sent everything not fastened down to the Earth's surface to float helplessly out into space.

Alternatively, the Autobots could concoct a plan where Optimus would pretend to allow himself to be taken prisoner, per Buddy's suggestion. The Decepticons, fooled into thinking they've won, took Optimus Prime into their base. Having hidden his troops inside his trailer, Optimus and the Autobots then led a surprise attack on their unsuspecting foes.

A wayward shot from Megatron then revealed the location of the gravity gun to the Autobots. Optimus ordered his troops to charge the weapon. Hook caught Optimus in the gravity gun's sights, and sent the Autobot leader floating upwards. If Buddy came to Optimus's rescue and toyed with the gravity gun's control panel just as Hook turned the weapon to full power, the weapon would swivel and catch Megatron in its beam, tearing the Decepticon leader to pieces instead of Optimus.

The Autobots then proceeded to defeat the remaining Decepticons and claim victory. If Buddy instead cowered away, Cosmos came to Optimus's rescue. Optimus then instructed Cosmos to send him flying towards Hook; the pair took out the Constructicon, and gained control of the gravity beam. If Buddy and Tracks entered a space-time anomaly created during the battle, the Autobots would lose their stand-off against the Decepticons, and Optimus would be taken prisoner by Megatron.

If Tracks decided that Beachcomber could wait, he helped Optimus overload the anti-gravity gun, starting a chain-reaction that would cause the weapon to explode in a tremendous explosion. Optimus instructed both Tracks and Buddy to run away as he finished tampering with the weapon. If Buddy lingered in wait for Optimus Prime to finish his task, Dirge flew by and dropped a missile onto Optimus, damaging his leg. Thankfully, Buddy assisted Optimus in repairing his leg. The pair then ran to safety as the anti-gravity gun self-destructed, taking a number of Decepticons with it.

If Buddy ran off as Optimus sabotaged the anti-gravity gun, the boy was captured by Laserbeak, prompting Optimus to turn the gravity beam on the Decepticon to free Buddy.

In a completely different possible sequence of events, wherein Cosmos had taken off to explore the Decepticon base on his own, Optimus was surprised to see two Cosmoses flying back towards his convoy some time later. Both Cosmoses declared themselves to be the real one, and urged Optimus to destroy the other. If Optimus destroyed the wrong Cosmos, the duplicate obliterated Optimus and his squad with the proton bomb it housed within its body.

They were soon met by a squad of flying Decepticons, but were at a strict disadvantage against their adversaries as their vehicle modes possessed no weapons. Desert Flight. Optimus was amongst the Autobots about to be topped up with their latest batch of fuel when Red Alert burst into Autobot headquarters, warning everyone about Ramjet being spotted nearby. Optimus was advised of two plans; Perceptor suggested that the Autobots stay on the defensive while the scientist attempt to come up with a cure, while Prowl wanted the healthy Autobots to go out and try to find out what the Decepticons were up to.

Putting all of his faith in the Autobot scientist to uncover a cure swiftly, Optimus attempted to comfort his troops as they all began to experience sickness pains. Then, Red Alert informed Optimus of a Decepticon attack force moving in on their position, prompting Optimus to ask Perceptor to dispense whatever cure he had been able to concoct, despite it being untested.

Perceptor suggested another course of action to Optimus; the tainted fuel the Autobots had left untouched could be used to create a poisonous smog if lit aflame. The Autobots could attempt to poison the Decepticons with their own concoction, or they could risk the untested antidote, despite whatever side-effects it may have. If Optimus decided to risk Perceptor's antidote, he stood by as the Autobot scientist attempted to figure out how much antidote was a safe amount to give out to each Autobot.

If Perceptor gave out the right amount of an antidote, the poisoned Autobots were cured. Optimus ordered his troops to ready themselves for the incoming squadron of Decepticons. Perceptor's antidote did have a side-effect on the Autobots, however; it gave them a fierce battle-fever, making them eager to take on the Decepticons head-on. Prowl suggested to Optimus that they instead opt for a more conniving counterstrike against the Decepticons, and ambush them instead.

If Optimus allowed the cured Autobots to charge headlong into battle, he and the rest of the Autobots who were still running low on fuel stayed behind as back-up to the main charge.

Optimus's opening volley struck down Shockwave. Optimus and his troops soon found themselves running on empty, and Optimus called for a retreat. Thankfully, the Decepticons were damaged enough through the course of the battle, causing them to retreat as well. If Optimus instead followed Prowl's plan, he instructed his troops to transform into vehicle mode and play dead.

In another possible turn of events, Perceptor gave out too much of his antidote to each Autobot. The Autobots who received the antidote soon found themselves falling apart, leaving Optimus and the rest outmatched against the greater number of Decepticons. Alternatively, if Optimus chose to use the tainted fuel against the Decepticons, he ordered Grapple to carry out the vat outside of headquarters. He then instructed Grapple to lower the vat into a nearby pit, and instructed Jazz to torch the fuel with his flamethrower.

He and Jazz waited until the last possible moment to carry out their plan, and once the fuel was lit, they dived to safety inside the Autobot base with the other Autobots.

As the toxic cloud successfully turned away the Decepticons, Optimus was surprised to see Sunstreaker once more fully operational. Having been bought enough time, Perceptor was able to successfully cure the poisoned Autobots. Their ranks fully replenished and the Decepticons turning tail meant the Autobots had earned themselves another victory. Optimus nominated Prowl, Bumblebee and Mirage to go along with him on the mission.

Venturing further into the lab, the group soon spotted the antidote they were after, and sent Mirage to fetch it. Mirage returned with the beaker and news; he had heard Ramjet and Starscream talking about using a new poison to turn humans into mindless slaves.

In light of this news, if Optimus decided to nonetheless head back directly to Autobot headquarters, his squad returned to find their comrades nearly dead from the poison.

But with Ratchet's help, the antidote was quickly distributed, and the Autobots sprung back to life. Now cured, the Autobots discussed their next course of action; they had to prevent the Decepticons from poisoning the nearby water reservoir.

Windcharger and Ironhide suggested two different plans to Optimus: Windcharger wanted to use his magnetic powers to cause a confusion, while Ironhide wanted to simply go in for a full frontal assault. Powerglide then decided to go ahead on his own to lead the Decepticons away from the reservoir, but Optimus objected.

If Powerglide did not heed Optimus orders, he indadvertedly caused the water supply to be poisoned anyways. If however, Powerglide listened to Optimus's orders, the Autobots attempted to lure the Decepticons away from the reservoir and into some nearby woods, where the Autobots would have some cover against the Decepticons. Finding themselves under heavy fire before they could reach the treeline, the Autobots were forced to fight back in the open.

With Autobots falling beside him, Optimus gritted his teeth and took careful aim at the poison containers the Decepticons were carrying. After taking out both of the planes carrying the poison, Optimus continued to battle Megatron and his Decepticons until nightfall, until the Autobots were finally victorious.

If however Optimus ordered his troops to deal with the Decepticons before returning to base with the antidote, Prowl suggested that he use his incendiary missiles to destroy the poison first, but Optimus thought that course of action might be too risky. He considered dealing with Ramjet and Starscream first. Upon reawakening, the Autobots found themselves captives of Megatron, who informed them that their fellow Autobots would soon perish, and that the humans would be conquered by the Decepticons shortly after.

If Optimus instead decided to deal with Ramjet and Starscream first, his troop easily overpowered the pair, and made them watch as they destroyed their work. Optimus then taunted Ramjet and Starscream, telling them that the Autobots would soon be at full fighting force, before returning to Autobot headquarters with the antidote. Once the other Autobots were cured, they all drank a toast to Bumblebee, to celebrate his part in the mission Decepticon Poison.

Optimus was one of the many soldiers fighting under the command of the Autobot leader, Jetfire. He was among the Autobots who launched in the Ark to clear a path through an asteroid belt. When the Decepticons attacked the ship, he fought a Seeker Decepticon while Jetfire sent the Ark crashing into Earth , knocking everyone aboard offline. Four million years later, they were repaired when the ship's systems were reactivated by a volcanic eruption. In the Transformers. The sinister Decepticons have set their sights on a powerful energy source stored in a dam.

However, the Optimus Prime and his heroic Autobots are here to foil their evil schemes! The Power Struggle. Optimus and his Autobots defended important data about the power source of another dam.

He blasted Megatron with full fury! Ultimately, the Autobots were victorious in defending the dam. Battle in the Desert Valley. When a horde of time-displaced Decepticons joined forces to hunt down the five Blackballs , a super energy source, Optimus Prime gathered a team of time-displaced Autobots to help stop them. In one encounter with his arch-foe Megatron , they reenacted their epic struggle from the Battle of Autobot City.

However, this time around, Prime avoided dying by launching his "Matrix Attack" You're Great! Optimus Prime! Later, Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus concocted a cunning strategy.

They disguised a round, black cartoon explosive as a Blackball and gave it to Starscream. Starscream promptly brought it to Megatron, where it blew both of them up. Optimus and Magnus were astounded their plan actually worked. Don't Cry! In one of his less impressive moments, after running out of ammo during a battle with Deathsaurus , Optimus Prime ordered his fellow Autobots to improvise and hurl everything that wasn't nailed down at their enemy.

This included the Blackball, unfortunately. Catching it, Deathsaurus began to fantasize about his inevitable galactic conquest, all the while being pelted with rocks and litter. Frustrated, Deathsaurus accidentally hurled the Blackball back to the Autobots in a fit of rage.

Good Job! After the Decepticons declared war, junior officer Optimus managed to turn the tide against them in a battle over Iacon , and rose up in rank to become Autobot leader. Optimus Prime's The Official Transformers: Generation 2 Annual profile His second-in-command, Jazz , once saved his life after a surprise attack rendered him temporarily non-functional on the battlefront.

Jazz's The Official Transformers: Generation 2 Annual profile The war raged for centuries, with Cybertron's fuel sources steadily decreasing. Optimus ordered the construction of the Ark to seek out new sources of energy, unaware that Megatron was building a ship of his own. The Ark's first foray into space was interrupted by a Decepticon attack, and all involved were too distracted to notice as they entered an asteroid belt.

A collision between two meteorites sent the Transformers crashing into Earth. After countless eons of slumber, the Autobots awoke to a world populated by humans, and once more took up the fight against the Decepticons. From Cybertron to Earth the War Continues After a long period of stalemate, Prime grew frustrated at the lack of progress his troops were making against Megatron's forces. To remedy the situation, he ordered the creation of several new Transformers who would be perfectly adapted for combat on Earth.

The first among these was Pirhana. Piranha's The Official Transformers: Generation 2 Annual profile But one of the Autobots' great victories came not through superior numbers or firepower, but trickery and cunning. As part of a plan devised by Optimus Prime's new second-in-command Prowl, the Autobots allowed Starscream to "overhear" that they had uncovered an ancient Cybertronian ship with the means to return to Cybertron.

They then stationed themselves around the vessel, atop of Table Mountain in Africa , and awaited the inevitable Decepticon attack over its possession. Optimus met Megatron in battle, but ordered his troops to withdraw after a brief skirmish, declaring the Decepticons too powerful to hold back.

Once the Decepticons claimed their prized and entered the ship, they found themselves locked inside it. The ship then shot up away from the planet, leaving the Decepticons without the means to control it. Though the Autobots knew this wouldn't rid them permanently of the Decepticons, they were satisfied with a brief period of calm while they were off-world.

Day of the Decepticons. When the Ark's sensors picked up two Transformer power emissions in the Brazilian rain forest of non-Decepticon origin, Optimus headed into the field to investigate, bringing along Jazz and Blaze.

Though their search went poorly at first, the surrounding vegetation interfering with their energy trackers, one of the mystery Transformers soon found them! The source of the readings turned out to be two terrifying robot dinosaurs! As Optimus charged one of them, Megatron and his troops turned up, and blasted the Autobot leader unconscious. He awoke to find the Decepticons fleeing in defeat, and the creatures transformed into their Autobot forms.

Grimlock introduced himself and Snarl , but told Optimus that they wouldn't be following the Autobots back to home-base, as they had two more companions to unearth first. Optimus bid him farewell with a handshake before leaving to carry on the war against Megatron. The Dinobots! When reports from both Jetfire and Mirage corroborated that the Decepticons were constructing giant rockets to shift Earth out of its orbit, Optimus took to the skies and led his troops on a sabotage mission.

Upon their approach, Optimus, Jetfire, and Deftwing overheard Megatron declare that the engines would fire up in twenty minutes. With little time to prevent the destruction of Earth's biosphere, the more maneuverable air-bound Autobots entered the thruster tubes to destroy the rockets from within. Jetfire and Deftwing were successful in their task, and the Autobots beat a hasty retreat to avoid the resulting lava swell.

Optimus heaped praise upon the pair afterwards, embarrassing the bashful Jetfire. Moving Day Planet Earth. In the year X, the Decepticons had learned of a powerful new energy source known as forestonite which just happened to be located surprise surprise on Earth. Megatron sent his trio of Cyberjets to Earth first to draw out the enemy Autobots.

The Cyberjets made quick work of Electro but were soon halted by the appearance of Optimus Prime. Megatron then entered the fray and fired his Black Hole Burn attack from his fusion cannon, narrowly missing Optimus Prime but vaporizing Hooligan in the process.

Prime fought fiercely but Megatron began to take the upper-hand in battle. However, Prime was encouraged to keep fighting by the cheers of a human boy named Junpei.

Megatron, surprised at Prime's resilience, attempted to finish his foe off with his Tornado Axe attack. Megatron teleported back to his ship and left Earth's atmosphere, vowing to return.

Optimus Prime addressed Junpei, asking if the boy was injured. Junpei revealed he was alright but presented concern about the Decepticons returning to Earth.

Optimus Prime swore that the Autobots would remain on Earth until the threat of the Decepticons was finished and asked for Junpei's help in making that future a reality. The New Battle!! At some point, Archforce posed a threat to both Optimus Prime and Megatron. Leaving his home universe, the Optimus Prime of Primax Optimus Prime bio in Club magazine 49 A multiversal cataclysm in a universe seeded with Rarified Energon and an invasion by natives from the negative polarity universe had called them into action.

Since Matrix bearers were usually never allowed into Axiom Nexus, this was a grave threat indeed! Invasion Prologue. Seeking help to protect the Origin Matrix , Hero Prime and Beast Prime disguised themselves using cloaks and sought out Depth Charge , hoping to make use of his hunting skills.

Invasion: Epilogue. Hero Prime's name was on a list of Convoy members that Commander Cheetor gave to Andromeda , which noted Prime's home reality and his moniker.

Hero Prime was present at a meeting of the Convoy after the turmoil caused by the Waruder invasion of Axiom Nexus. Cybertron's Most Wanted. Under the eerie shadows of a full moon Optimus Primal, a gigantic bat, Cheetor , a swift-stalking cheetah, and Razorbeast , a fearsome wild boar, hunted purposely through the depths of a jungle. Soon, Optimus detected the thermal emissions and fusion activity from a building, which meant they'd found their target. His motion sensors registered what appeared to be a harmless Earth creature below.

Before Optimus realized his mistake, the alligator lashed out with as smashing swipe of its tail, knocking Optimus into the swampy waters. The beast transformed and Megatron towered above him. The building ahead was the Predacons' genetics lab and he'd never let Optimus reach the secrets inside. He ordered his troops to attack and everyone transformed to robot mode. The gigantic arthropods Tarantulas and Waspinator engaged Razorbeast and Cheetor respectively while Optimus and Megatron faced off.

Optimus bragged that the Maximal " bio-genetic morphing process has allowed us to create the perfect fusion of organic musculature and Transformers technology! When Optimus noted that the Maximals seemed to be getting the upper hand, Megatron immediately detonated the lab and escaped, vowing to return with new forms and new plans when the Maximals least expected it.

The Beast Wars had just begun! Optimus Primal vs Megatron! Optimus believed, as his namesake did, that freedom was the right of all sentient beings His goal was to vanquish the Predacons from the planet Earth, a task he recognized would not be done easily.

Optimus Primal bio Basic class. Optimus eventually re-engineered his body, from a fruit bat to a gigantic gorilla, alluded to be comparable in size to King Kong. His strength had been most notably increased by this process, and he possessed "mega blast missiles", produced from his shoulder mounted cannons. Optimus Primal bio Ultra class. The Beast Wars raged on prehistoric Earth, eventually leading to the discovery of the buried Ark sometime after its crash on prehistoric Earth. Megatron , following his namesake 's instructions in a desperate gambit, decided to attempt to change history by killing Prime, who was still lying in the Ark in stasis lock.

Megatron hoped that this would result in the Decepticons winning the Great War and eventually Predacon control of Cybertron. Megatron unleashed a full-power weapon blast at Optimus Prime's face, near-fatally injuring him.

The subsequent power increase caused by Prime's spark's connection to the Matrix mutated Primal into a large, Transmetal "Optimal Optimus" form. Then, with the repairs complete, Prime's spark was restored, and he briefly activated before sinking back into normal stasis. Optimal Situation. Sometime after the Autobots and Decepticons awoke in the s, the original Megatron gained access to one of Earth's Voyager spacecraft and inscribed a message on the disk on board. In the event that he lost the War, Megatron left instructions for the descendants of the Decepticons to use transwarp technology to travel to Prehistoric Earth, locate the Ark , and change history by killing Optimus Prime.

The Agenda Part 2. Optimus appeared to have fallen in "the final battle" against the Decepticons. The Search. The statue was subsequently blown to pieces by the Vehicon forces. Fires of the Past Later, Megatron beamed a hologram of Optimus Prime down to the ruins of Iacon to confront Optimus Primal , claiming to contain the "essence" of the real Prime that had been stored here since the Final Battle.

Primal was conned by this and was tricked by the hologram into accessing the Oracle. Megatron seized control of the Oracle code and quickly revealed his ruse. Primal explained to his Maximals that he knew the image was fake, but he needed the location of the missing sparks from Megatron's mind. Before he took the name "Optimus Prime," the future leader of the Autobots took up the banner of his fallen Monark, and rallied the troops around him against the Decepticons, vowing to "never surrender.

Cyclonus hated Optimus Prime but respected Rodimus though Cyclonus would later taunt that Rodimus couldn't get anything done while not mourning Optimus. Wreckers: Finale Part II. After the Beast Wars had ended and the Maximals and Predacons that survived it had headed home, the Vok entered the Ark and removed the Matrix of Leadership from an unconscious Optimus Prime.

They used it to create Primal Prime , and then gave the Matrix to their new creation. After the Great War , Optimus Prime disappeared with other legends into the mysterious location on Cybertron dubbed J'nwan , where Optimus himself became the "Authority" who spoke on behalf of the others. Sandstorm , the leader of a rebellion in a 32nd-century firmly under the heel of the tyrannical Shokaract , entered J'nwan to plead with the heroes of Cybertron 's past for aid.

He hoped to convince them to join the fight against the Predacon warlord. After a mind-crushing journey which left all of his companions dead or deranged, Sandstorm finally found an audience with the Authority and his brethren, but they declined to help, with the Authority stating that their time was past and the war was no longer their war. The Authority then in some way manipulated Sandstorm's trip out of J'nwan such that it was comparatively short and simple.

When the warlord Shokaract , powered by Unicron 's Dark Essence , traveled into the past to secure his own future, the occupants of J'nwan decided to act. Optimus Prime, Megatron, Soundwave, and Grimlock joined Sandstorm on prehistoric Earth during the time of the Beast Wars where the battle with Shokaract had already begun.

The product s will be shipped after all the payments has been settled. Buy Now. Add to Wishlist. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Copy. Descriptions "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings" Prime 1 Studio is proud to present Premium Masterline Optimus Prime Transformers Generations 1 unique interpretation of the iconic Atobobots Leader. Optimus Prime is crafted with impressive attention to detail and features LED light-up eyes,standing around 24 inches tall and is an ultimate Optimus Prime piece for all Transformers Fans.

Specifications: Notice: Prototype samples shown. Product details could be subjected to change without further notice. Please note the final product specifications may differ because each product is Handmade.

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